Postnasal drip can often be managed at home. In addition to elevating your head while you sleep, you can also gargle saltwater, inhale steam, and drink warm fluids, among other methods.

If you feel like mucus is dripping into your throat from your nose, you have postnasal drip. You may also feel like mucus is collecting in your throat.

This is caused by thickening or overproduction of mucus. It can occur due to several reasons, including:

Common symptoms include:

  • frequently swallowing or clearing your throat
  • sore throat
  • frequent coughing
  • feeling like there’s a lump in your throat
  • gurgling voice

Often, postnasal drip can be treated with home remedies. You can also use them in combination with over-the-counter treatments.

It’s possible to naturally reduce postnasal drip at home. Here’s what you can do:

Prop up your head

Elevate your head to let gravity drain mucus from your nasal passages. Avoid lying down while reading or watching television.

At night, keep your head slightly elevated. You can do this by propping your pillow against your headboard or stacking two pillows.

Avoid placing your head too high, though, as it can cause neck and shoulder pain.

Drink fluids, especially hot fluids

Drink a lot of fluids to thin out mucus. The thinner the mucus, the easier it can pass through your nasal cavities.

Drinking fluids will also moisturize your nasal lining. Hot drinks, like tea or broth, are the best choice. The warmth of these beverages will thin your mucus.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, caffeinated tea, or soda. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which may increase your risk of dehydration.

Gargle salt water

Gargling saltwater will loosen up mucus. It’s also helpful for soothing a sore throat.

To make a saltwater gargle, dissolve ½-teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water. Gargle for as long as it feels comfortable, then spit it out. Repeat twice a day.

Inhale steam

Steam inhalation can ease postnasal drip by thinning mucus. The steam will also moisten your nose and throat, helping mucus pass through.

You can inhale steam during a hot shower or bath. Another option is to try steam inhalation therapy:

  1. Pour hot water into a large heat-safe (like stainless-steel) bowl.
  2. Drape a towel over your head.
  3. Hover your face 8 to 12 inches above the water. Avoid directly touching the water.
  4. Inhale deeply and slowly. Continue for 2 to 5 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

Use a humidifier

A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help reduce mucus. This can be especially soothing during the winter when indoor air is dry.

Regularly clean your humidifier. If it’s dirty, harmful germs might grow inside of it.

Nasal rinse

A nasal rinse can loosen thick or excess mucus. It’s also known as a sinus rinse, sinus flush, or nasal irrigation.

Nasal rinse products are available at the drugstore. Neti pots and squeeze bottles are common options.

Never use tap water, as it may contain harmful germs. Instead, use water that is distilled, sterile, or previously boiled and cooled.

Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke

Avoid alcohol, which can lead to dehydration and worsen postnasal drip. This is especially important if your postnasal drip is due to GERD, as alcohol can worsen your symptoms.

You should also avoid cigarette smoke, including secondhand smoke. Cigarette smoke can increase mucus secretion and irritate your nose and throat. While quitting is difficult, your doctor can help you build a quit smoking plan that works for you.

GERD home remedies

Home remedies for decreasing GERD symptoms include:

  • avoiding spicy foods
  • limiting caffeine use
  • losing weight
  • propping up your head when you lie down in bed
  • smoking cessation

See a doctor if GERD is interfering with your quality of life.

Essential oils are concentrated liquids that have been extracted from plants. They’re commonly used as natural remedies for various ailments. Some oils, like eucalyptus and peppermint, may offer relief from postnasal drip.

According to a 2020 review, eucalyptus oil contains a compound called 1,8-cineole. This compound can reduce mucus by controlling genes involved in mucus production. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may soothe irritation.

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which can improve the sensation of congestion and mucus buildup. It doesn’t actually treat excess mucus, though. A 2013 study found that inhaled menthol doesn’t have true decongesting properties. However, its cooling effect can help your nasal passages feel more open.

The best way to use essential oils for postnasal drip is through inhalation. This is a form of aromatherapy.

You can:

  • breathe in the essential oil directly from the bottle
  • add a few drops to a tissue or cotton ball, then inhale
  • add the essential oil to a diffuser
  • add several drops of diluted essential oil to a hot shower or bath
  • add several drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water for steam inhalation

According to anecdotal evidence, apple cider vinegar can help postnasal drip.

Some people breathe in apple cider vinegar by sniffing the bottle. Others drink diluted apple cider vinegar in tea or warm water. The idea is that the strong odor and taste of apple cider vinegar can loosen mucus.

But there’s no evidence that this method works. Apple cider vinegar for postnasal drip has never been studied. Additionally, drinking apple cider vinegar can damage your teeth, especially if it’s undiluted.

If you want to use this remedy, do so with caution.

In addition to home remedies, you can try over-the-counter treatments. These remedies are available at the drugstore or grocery store without a prescription.

Dry out mucus with decongestants

Decongestants reduce mucus production by making your blood vessels smaller. Avoid using them too often, which can worsen congestion.

Thin out the mucus with expectorants

Expectorants reduce the viscosity, or thickness, of mucus. This makes it easier to cough out and clear your nasal passages.

Use saline nasal sprays

Saline nasal sprays moisturize your nasal passages, making it easier for mucus to drain. The spray can also clear out dust or pollen that may be causing irritation.

Take antihistamines

If your postnasal drip is due to allergies, antihistamines could help. They can also alleviate congestion, sneezing, and nasal swelling.

Avoid sedating antihistamines, as they thicken mucus even further. Choose non-drowsy antihistamines, which won’t produce this effect.

If your postnasal drip is due to a cold, the above home remedies will also treat your other symptoms. It’s also important to rest, stay hydrated, and eat healthily to help your body fight the infection.

Home remedies for postnasal drip and cough

Try these remedies for postnasal drip and cough:

  • elevate your head
  • drink fluids
  • saltwater gargle
  • use a humidifier
  • avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke

Home remedies for postnasal drip and sore throat

To relieve postnasal drip and a sore throat:

  • drink fluids
  • gargle saltwater
  • use a humidifier
  • avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke

How do you get rid of mucus in your throat fast at home?

You can try a nasal flush or nasal rinse such as a netipot or squeeze bottle to help remove excessive mucus that is causing your postnasal drip. Only use sterilized water, boiled and cooled water, or distilled water. Never use water straight from your tap since it may contain harmful organisms or bacteria.

How do you get rid of postnasal drip fast?

There are over-the-counter and prescription treatments that may help stop postnasal drip, such as:

  • decongestants
  • expectorants
  • saline nasal sprays
  • non-drowsy antihistamines (sedating antihistamines may thicken mucus)

What foods stop postnasal drip?

Avoiding alcohol and smoking tobacco products may help. People report that foods like spicy foods, pineapple, and garlic may help stop postnasal drip, but there is not much research to support these claims.

Research suggests that a dairy-free diet may thin mucus secretions and help relieve postnasal drip.

If home remedies don’t improve your postnasal drip, see a doctor.

Visit a doctor if you have:

These symptoms may indicate a more serious cause of postnasal drip.

Typically, postnasal drip can be alleviated at home. Elevate your head at night to help mucus drain. You can also gargle saltwater, inhale steam, use a humidifier, and drink warm fluids. These remedies will thin mucus and moisturize your nasal passages.

If necessary, use OTC remedies in combination with home remedies. But if your postnasal drip gets worse or doesn’t go away, see a doctor. You should also get medical help if you have a fever, difficulty swallowing, and bloody or smelly mucus.